Melanie Schlott - Lead Kindergarten Teacher - 十大最佳博彩网站排名 - McDonogh School-十大最佳博彩网站排名

Melanie Schlott, Lead Kindergarten Teacher

Photographer: Alex Gomez ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher?

Children are the true inspiration behind anyone who pursues teaching. As children teach us each day, life is full of wonder, endless opportunities, and joyful experiences. Teachers have the unique privilege of crafting moments in time when children are inspired to take risks, understand the world around them, and build connections that will resonate throughout their lives. Teaching is a career steeped in love, 增长, collective curiosity, and human connection; and in my opinion, there is no more meaningful work than learning alongside children. 

Why did you choose the subject area that you teach?

The early childhood years are deeply fascinating as they center on a really wondrous phase of a child’s development. Being able to create and facilitate meaningful learning experiences that support the way children understand the world is incredibly fulfilling. The early childhood years are the foundation for our educational journey — a journey that encourages the uncovering of personal identity and our unique and impactful place in the world — and the hope is that when we properly support children during these early years, they will continue to create lives filled with love and possibility.

Beyond the classroom, what are some of your interests or hobbies that you’re passionate about? 

Beyond the classroom, one of my greatest interests is traveling with my family. Exploring new places along with creating shared memories reminds me of the beauty of the world and that our time with those we love is the most invaluable piece of our lives. Another hobby of mine has always been morning outdoor runs. This simple ritual never fails to set a positive tone, while ensuring a bit of extra energy for the day ahead!

Do you have a favorite place on campus? What makes it your favorite?

I absolutely cherish Childs Memorial Terrace. From Opening Convocation to Commencement, it’s a space that holds 150 years of joyful memories and embraces the McDonogh community in its entirety. On any given day, the beautiful space provides the freedom for our Lower School children to explore, 爬, and be amongst the legacy of countless generations that appreciated its beauty.